Friday, November 30, 2012

Made in America

I watched a program on Fox News the other day about Christmas shopping and the problem that we have in this country of buying foreign made products.  The program was saying that if each American just bought one gift that was made in America that it would create 200,000 jobs in our country.  The reporter on the street randomly stopped shoppers and asked them to check the items in their bags for American made items.  Not one shopper had a locally made item.  Out of all the gifts that I purchase during the holiday season, I don't think one gift that is made in America is too much to ask of our citizens.  In a time of low economy this is good to promote.  Our government needs to give tax deductions to those companies that hire locally rather than outsourcing their labor.  Locally, cities give tax breaks to companies that build locally so this is not a new idea.  Why do we boost the economy of a country such as China that doesn't even celebrate the holiday that we are purchasing gifts for?  I was raised in a Union household so the notion to only buy American made products is not new.  It's just becoming increasingly difficult to find items made in America whether it is a gift or an item that you need on a day to day basis.  I challenge everyone that reads this to buy at least one item made in our country.  Better yet, buy something locally made by an artist and support our local unique stores.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


On the Contemporary America blog page a post was posted Abortion: A Hot Topic.  I agree with several items in the post such as babies need to have a voice and that every life deserves a chance.  There are so many couples that are in line to adopt a child that it seems wrong to take a life.  I also understand the reason behind the government legalizing abortion.  So many lives were lost from women getting illegal abortions in unsafe conditions.  Not only the baby was lost but also the woman.  I believe that every woman has the right to do with her body what she wants but I also believe the unborn child should be represented.  I'm not sure what the solution to this problem is.  I know that birth control doesn't work 100% so even if women were required to be on birth control after a certain age unless trying to get pregnant, there would still be unwanted pregnancies.

Friday, November 2, 2012

No To Obamacare

I do not believe in Obamacare because I want to be in charge of my health with my doctor.  I was diagnosed with Cancer at the age of 36 and I had insurance at that time.  Because of the insurance that I had, I had to see certain doctors and have certain treatment.  It was not my choice at any point what care I received.  I live in Buchanan Dam and because of my insurance, I had to travel over 1 hour each way to receive chemo treatments.  There are chemo clinics where I live but they were not covered by my insurance.  Because of this I started seeing a doctor that doesn't take insurance for my health care needs.  I would rather pay the full fee and be in charge of my health then just pay a deductible for visits that don't accomplish anything.

Currently I do not have health insurance and I don't miss it.  I can see any doctor I want and get cash discounts and be in charge of my body.  Most doctors don't want to deal with all of the paperwork that insurance causes them to deal with.  If they didn't have to mess with the insurance companies constantly, the doctors would save money and they could pass it down to their patients.  I feel more in control of my body now then I ever did with health insurance.

Obamacare takes control out of our hands and puts so many restrictions on doctors and other health care proffessionals that it ends up costing us our health.  Insurance tells the doctors what they can and can't treat and how they can treat.  Let the doctors practice medicine instead of practicing paperwork.